Saturday, March 21, 2009

be careful what you ask for

Well it's been a few days since I sent out my survey. I've heard from so many people it's been great. It was a little overwhelming to hear the disappointment of people who grew up in this church, whether they still attend or wouldn't set foot in a CS church ever again. Some responses were really vile, particularly the ones from people who converted to mainstream Christianity. The interesting thing is that they were the only people who were unhappy with the actual teachings of Christian Science. The rest of the responders were upset about one cultural thing or another. The dangerous avoidence of Doctors was huge, the judgemental nature of our members, the worship of MBE or teachers/practitioners, boring church services, etc...

So my conclusion so far is it's not resistance to the Christ, or not enough healing, or MBE's discovery, it's the closed minded, limited, judgemental, fearful CS culture that's draining our church membership. We could bring people back in if we start over from scratch - read S&H, understand it's teachings, know the Manual, and create the most loving, embracing, helpful church community we can.

I know there's more to be said here...
see you soon, I'm going to read my S&H


  1. You just left one thing out about "starting from scratch" and that was to read the Bible, not just S&H. If you want to start from scratch, the Bible is the first starting point. I think MBE would even agree, don't you?

  2. i agree with Anonymous' post. I think part of the problem is the worship of MBE's thought to the point of idolatry.

    Read Acts, think for yourself. We all have the same connection MBE had with God. God's spirit is alive. While the truth is the same, ways of expressing it in service, evangelism, etc, change. And being God's children we have the authority to go where the spirit is leading us, not confined by the world worldview of MBE or her authoritarian interpretation.
